Our Prayer

Most Holy One,

We are praying for the day on this planet to arrive when basic fundamental human rights, peace and justice are realized for all.

We pray for true compassion and the recognition
of the humanity and personal dignity
of each person on this planet.

Our prayer is for recognition, by the entire world, that no individual, family, tribe, cultural group, city, state, nation or cluster of nations has a right to make decisions that have effects
on the entire planet's population
or that imposes violence on others.

We pray that all people on Earth will have a permanent, sanitary, safe and dignified place to live, enough food and proper daily nutrition.

We pray that economic and social progress will be actively sought for and provided to each and every individual on this planet.

We pray that this progress will include the eradication of all violence, war-related and otherwise, national and international discord.

We are praying for the resolution of every conflict that effects the emotional, psychological or physical safety of anyone.

We are praying for the active promotion and provision of literacy and education so that it is freely available for every individual.

Our prayer is for the vast improvement of preventative care and the treatment of illness, including physical healthcare,
psychological, psychiatric and spiritual care, family and peer issue resolution, anger management, stress reduction and treatment for substance abuse and other addictions with free access for everyone.

We pray that there will be completely equal, free and unhindered access to a full range of social services including vocational assistance and full cultural, political and religious participation by everyone,
if they so choose.

We pray for the decriminalization
of poverty, mental illness and homosexuality.

Our prayer is that the entire world will be free
from all forms of abuse and victimization,
scapegoating, stereotyping,
every prejudice and segregation of all kinds.

We pray that when all this occurs,
prisons will not be necessary.

So be it now and forever more.


Friday, October 5, 2007

Koppel on Discovery Channel

I encourage everyone to see this documentary on the failure of the prison system. It will air Sunday night at 8 PM Central time. Ted Koppel, one of the last remaining "real" reporters in TV journalism exposes the facts about life on the inside.

Visit this link for extensive information: Breaking Point.

Also see this review: Breaking Point Variety Review

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